Just Beet It: Why You Should Be Incorporating Beets Into Your Pre and Post Workout Routine

I’m constantly trying to figure out new ways to up my workout routine and improve my performance. Whether it’s a new drink, supplement or food, I’m game to try anything–as long as it’s natural and comes from a source I trust. So when I found out that beets were the newest way to supplement my exercise routine, I was intrigued. How could beets–one of my favorite root vegetables that I love to roast with avocado oil–help me to improve my workouts? After a bit of research, I found that beets are rich in nitrates. Why does this help? Dietary nitrates convert to nitric oxide, which works to relax blood vessels and therefore increases blood flow to working muscles–exactly what’s going on when we’re exercising.

I then discovered PurePlanet’s Organic Power Beets Pre and Post Workout supplements. Made with yerba mate and rhodiola root, these powders contain only 3 grams of sugar and provide a great source of nitrates, which, as I discovered, promotes healthy blood flow and stable energy for a strong workout. The addition of the rhodiola root also works to support healthy adrenal function and hydration, which is essential for any athlete. The Rapid Recovery Fuel contains turmeric and tart cherry, which helps to promote healthy joints function and electrolyte levels. The ingredient list in both these supplements is short and sweet–just the way I like it. It contains real, organic ingredients that I feel comfortable putting in my body. After all, what’s the point in working out if you’re just going to replenish with chemicals? Real, natural foods always–pre AND post workout!

Here’s some extra exciting news: Nutrition Smart is working with PurePlanet to make sure you’re even more prepared for your workouts! We’re giving away eight FITBITS to eight lucky winners! CLICK HERE TO ENTER! Good luck!

What are some of your favorite ways to prepare preworkout and replenish postworkout? Let me and Nutrition Smart know on Instagram at @laurenandrew and @nutritionsmartofficial !

Until next time,