Think Big Shop Little Labels

Celebrate Little Labels with Fairtrade America, Marine Stewardship Council, and the Non-GMO Project If you’re like many shoppers, you want to know how the food you buy affects people and the planet, including how it was grown, harvested and produced.

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Fish Oil for Heart Health

What is Fish Oil? (Why Should You Be Taking It?) Jul 15th, 2021 Fish oil has come a long way since getting a big spoonful of cod liver oil. These days there are a ton of supplement options on the

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Should You Buy Non-GMO Supplements?

Should You Buy Non-GMO Supplements?   There is a fair amount of GMO-related buzz happening these days. Sourcing! Labeling! Biotech! “GMO-free”! How much do you actually know about this issue? Should you investigate avoiding GMOs? What Does GMO Mean? For

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How Nutrient Density in Produce has Declined Over Time

Nutrient density is a term that you are going to want to pay attention to. Why, you ask? Because the foods  we put in our body have a significant effect on our short and long-term health. Nutrient-dense foods will  benefit

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Top Ingredients to Support Your Brain & Mental Clarity

The brain is the most important and most mysterious organ in the body. Philosophers throughout history  have described the brain as the home of intelligence and reason, the seat of the mind, and the seat of the  soul. While the

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Keto Avocado Tacos

We love #tacotuesday just as much as everybody else, but when you’re keto, it’s not easy to partake in the tradition. Sure, lettuce, collard greens, kale, or cabbage cups topped with meat, pico de gallo, guac, and cilantro provide great

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Top Supplements for Athletes

  Humans like to play sports, watch sports, and talk about sports. We admire the character, strength, and grit of our favorite athletes. If you’re an athlete or sports-lover, you know there’s something magical in competing to be your very

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Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

Biotin Supplements for Hair, Skin & Nails Beauty is NOT only skin deep! The truth is, beauty comes from within—­through taking good care of your body and your very cells. Consuming nutrients and foods that benefit your skin, hair, and more, can

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Coral Springs Press Release

Exciting things are happening to Coral Springs and Parkland neighbors interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and buying natural groceries. Nutrition Smart is opening a new store in Coral Springs.     CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. – April 20, 2022 –

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